thursday- september 21st 1944 - sunday-september 24th 1944

After spending the night at the Hartenstein grounds, and a heavy barrage, he volunteers for a patrol, to check some houses, his discription of the location is a bit fague. "The main road  (Utrechtseweg ?) passed along one side of our perimeter and was crossed by another road (Stationsweg?) which formed the other border of our position. This smaller road had a row of houses along its left side, which led away from the Perimeter, on the right of the road was a wood with a few houses standing in the trees (the houses on Stationsweg right hand side ?). As the back of the houses on the left hand side was a vegetable plantation 200 yards wide, belonging jointly to this row of houses and the row opposite making a large square which was surrounded on three sides (Stationsweg,Mariaweg, Paul Krugerstraat?) by the backs of houses. There were about twenty small plots and gardens with fruit trees, runner beans and all sorts of vegetables". 

After running in to some German troops, they made their way towards their final positions at the Stationsweg, where they remain until the withdrawal.

Arnhem Lift 1993, page 35